Who we are
We are the Stop RX Foundation Inc. and free speech advocates devoted to the public awareness of psychotropic drugs. We have and we are continuing to create a wealth of information from scholars, MD's, psychiatrists, judges, authors, the FDA, Foreign Governments, journalist news reports and victims of the tragedies that antidepressants have been connected to.

Our Mission
We pledge to make the public aware of the effects of psychotropic drugs, and to make them aware of other possible remedies to depression, anxiety, ADHD, and other diagnoses where these drugs get prescribed. We pledge to provide the public with the most current, verifiable information regarding SSRI's (selective seratonin reuptake inhibitors), MAOI's, and similar drugs.

Our opinion
We and others feel that these drugs are grossly overperscribed and can be extremely dangerous, and have demonstrated a less than safe track record. The effects of these drugs are not fully known, or are hidden from public knowledge. These prescribed drugs are filtering in ever increasing numbers throughout the western world and especially the US. This has created human time bombs of teenage murderers who are victims and create victims of these drugs. We feel if you or your child is to be prescribed an anti-depressant then you and your loved ones should exhaust every other alternative, alternative remedies, and other doctors' viewpoints before your decision to pursue the drug remedy. We do not provide medical advice (Disclaimer), but we hope to convey that you should throughly explore all your options. There are many books that will help inform you about anti-depressants and their use and effects.

Outright ban and warnings
Great Britain has outright banned the pediatric use of SSRI's except Prozac. Health Canada has also followed Great Britain's lead. The FDA has currently issued an advisory of a risk to self injury or suicide and subsequent "black box" warning. The FDA has a list of drug specific warnings. We feel once the International public becomes fully aware of these drugs and their lethal and brain altering effects become known then further measures could be forthcoming. Please read more about anti-depressants effects from books, materials, other governments and websites. Once you are fully informed then you and your doctor can make the best decision for you and your children. You can volunteer your time, express your views to your Senator(s) and Representatives, State Government or donate to our non-profit and we will help do it for you.

But please get involved, and be informed.
The futures of children and young adults are at stake.
Help do something about it now!
The world will be rewarded. Stop Rx!

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